Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My ex boyfriend is haring me! Help?

Okay so, I dated this guy, Steven for about 6 months.. and the relationship was a bit rocky. I was 13 and he was 15. He is bipolar, and he takes his meds- atleast he is supposed to. He never did. Me, his mom, his sister, and my mom would beg him to. He said he did but he'd just wash it down the sink, or just never take it at all. Everytime he stopped taking them we'd break up and then when he was back on them and had himself back in line, we would get back together. About 5 months into our relationship, his dad(that was abusing him) hung himself, in the garage because his wife(stevens mom) was cheating on him with younger guys. Steven was the one that found him hanging in the garage. After that, he stopped talking to me for about 2 weeks. I didn't understand why because he would talk to other girls, friends, his family. His mom said probably because I was the closest person to him and he didn't want me to see him like that. He was traumatized. He finally started talking to me, then we found out, that his dad, wasn't his dad. It was his step-dad. He was really upset. He started talking to his real dad, and they got close. As you can see he went through a lot. But let me get to the point... The day we broke up he ignored me the WHOLE day. He texted everyone back including my mother, except me. I was upset. That night his sisters wanted me to come over & hang with them. So i did and when he found out I was at his house, he came home. He was yelling at me & I ignored him. I went outside called my mom and told her to get me. He came out; I was sitting on the porch he went and stood in the yard. I remember he said "You were ignoring me when we were in the house, now I'm ignoring u. U dont like how that feels, huh?" & I said "Your not ignoring me so why dont you just shut up & ignore me already." He didn't like that... There was a table on the ground the kind you can like fold? & He picked it up and held the legs and kicked it. I walked down towards the street bc I got scared & then he picked up his little sisters bike and threw it at me. I move the the side, but the handle bars hit my hip. I started crying, and he said here comes the act. Then I started to go back in the house and he pushed me into the cemet porch, and I hit my head. My mom came & I got in & kept yelling at her to go. He kept walking after the car, after we drove off. He scared me. Well that was the end of that. It was 5 days before school started. I am 6 months into the school year now, and ever since school started he has been haring me. THE SCHOOL WONT DO ANYTHING. All the vp & prez say is, "Well who heard it?" "Who witnessed it" If nobody did, then your automatically lying. Steven tells everybody that I have aids & , I'm a with my best friend, i'm a slut, hoe, tramp(etc), my baby cousin is my kid.. Anything he can think of. A couple times I would go the nurse and call my mom crying or text my mom and tell her to get me, because the harment was getting so bad. It got to the point where I have a peace order against him now, because his whole family came to my house with BATS. So we called the cops.. & they told us to go to juveinile services, and we did. We went to court on jaunuary 3rd, and hes supposed to not say anything to me, har me, go to my property or anything like that. But he still does. He follows me down the halls at school and says "Its a peace order not a restraining order, I can come near you" He corned me in the back away near the gym, He waited for me twice outside the bathroom, I walked out saw him and walked back in & when I came out he was still there. He just scares me and I think I'm going to get hurt. He came up to my lunch table the other day & cussed me out. Everyday he points across the lunch tables, and laughs and whispers to his friends, and he'll say stuff. A big thing happened the other day when he walked right next to me, and my bff told him 10ft, & he gave her the finger and I said wow, then he called me a ****** , and I told him to get somewhere. He follows me out of school, he We go back to court on the 7th of this month.. & He could be on house arrest or go to juvy. I just want him to leave me alone... I don't understand what I did. What should I do???? IM ONLY 13, I cant just make up with him, if I go near him or talk to him I could get in trouble with the law because of how we have a peace order against him.. not like hes following it. But still.

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