Monday, August 15, 2011

Peer pressure ruined my life , only 14?

i have a really f****d life , im 14 and im going into year 10 , im really scared about that , well i use to be a good girl , and then i meet this girl * jess* anyway she smoked and did stuff like that and b4 i knew her i diidnt really have many friends i had 1 but she hang in this cool group and they diidnt like me so i use to sit with her and them and never talk or anything , and then i meet jess and we become good friends , like best firiends . well i then found out she was into drinking and drugs and smoking and having , i lied to her and siad i smoked and did that stuff , she thought i did so she thought i was cool , after a while i started having family problems as i hate my dad so much for no reason and i only see him once a week cuz he works so much and my parents use to fight alot and then i found out my dad was dying from smoking and even though i hated my dad i felt sad , i started cutting myself , but only really small and like not deep and on my knee , after a while a lot of peole i knew where all into smoking and drinking , so i started drinking and smoking and i was at my friends house once and they keept trying to make me have when i have never even kissed a boy , so i had and it was so bad i hated every momment , my family probslems got wrose and i was allawys crying and i started taking pandol like 6 in a row for no reason like every day , i started doing drugs and drinking all the time and smoking all the time , i started hanging in the city at night and guys who where like 21 and older would take me to there house and we would have , im a mess i know , anyway i started doing bad at school , got in trouble a lot , never did my work , just sat there , i alawys felt alone and like every one wouldnt like me , ive stop having with random guys , but im still doing the rest , im really scared , i cut myself all the time , like once i had about 49 cuts on my arm , i had no more room it when all the way up , i still cut all the time and then jess moved schjools and i started hanging with this other group who loved me but i allways felt like they diidnt like me or felt sorry for me , anyways they found out i cut myself and they where all being really nice and stuff , i never told them about my family problems or stuff like that , they allways thought i had the perfect life , i still dnt do work at school and i still drink and smoke and cut , im really scared about year 10 , every one seems to know what there gonna do with there lifes but me , im scared im gonn fail and im just scared about year 10 , any advice or anything would be nice , im from sydney and was wondering if there are any free counseling palces i can go to and i cant tell my parents about the counseling as they dnt know about any of this

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