Friday, August 19, 2011

Equity in an LLC and effects on personal taxes?

The LLC will issue you a K-1 that will determine the amount of income you must report from the LLC. Without reviewing the K-1 any information that could be provided at this point would be speculation. You are correct that a good number of credits,deduction and exemptions will be effected should your income reach $300,000. If you are sure about the amount of income from the LLC you can plug that into your 2006 return and get a pretty good idea what the real effect would be.

Who is more politically opinionated/biased Oreilly or Olbermann?

They are equally biased toward their own points of view. The main difference is intelligence, and Olbermann outflanks O'Reilly in that department.

Is this desperation?

i reconected with an old friend from school,about a month ago.last night he asked if we could be a it just me or does this seems desperate? i mean its only been a month and we havent even hung out yet so hes gotta be a desperate dude right? what do you guys make of this?

What does it mean when you dream you are pregnant and the baby wont come out?

I had a dream that I was 9 months pregnant and my water broke. I stood there panicking. Then my sister came in and was like don't worry lay down. My room and my house is dark with blue walls. the walls look like they are decrepit. About an hour ped and nothing happened. Then my best guy friend/crush came into my room. Then talked to me. I don't remember what he said. After that I started wondering where he was and got up off the bed to look for him. I found him and my younger sister in bed together. I could only see by the lit candle in a gl lantern. I smacked him on the head and call him an ****** and walked out. Next thing i know im running after a trolley and its super bright outside. My grandmother was on the trolley. She didn't look like my grandmother i just knew it was her. This woman was skinny and had white hair and was in white clothes. I was wearing a striped blue and white dress. I finally caught up with the trolley and we rode it to a store which was all white. The people that worked there was wearing white with blue aprons. My best guy friend/crush was also an employee there. As soon as i saw him i smiled but i was still pissed at him. Then he told me it was a misunderstanding and i believed him...I would never believe a guy in real life. After me and him talked i ended up in another room. it was kinda dark in there. but there was a ride in there kinda like the mechanical bull. i was strongly against this ride. In real life i don't have a problem with the mechanical bull. then i'm inmy room. my room/house is dark as before and still look decrepit. Next thing i know im standing by the front door and its dark outside and in comes my sister in law katie, rosie and my mom. I layed on the bed again and said oh the baby must've been waiting to come out for my family. Then i wake up in a white hospital room and we are waiting for the baby to come out. The baby still wont be born and i make a comment about how my nephew didn't take this long to get here. Then i wake up. What is that all about?

Synonyms for "This Shows"?

I'm writing an essay and am finding myself using "this shows" too often. For example, "I wright a quote" (then when i describe it I say) this shows...

NFL Mock Draft Help!!!!!!!?

Ok so im making a mock draft, and i have Nick Fairly going behind Green, bowers, and peterson. so now the bengals are up. I woulda hav fairly go there, but now palmer wants to leave cinci. So would u have fairly go to the bengals or Blaine Gabbert? If a QB, Would it be Gabbert, or someone else?

What is the meaning of this verse?

If you judge someones actions without mercy, you too will be shown no mercy on your judgment day. So give mercy and you will not be judged harshly.

MLB Fantasy question - should I accept this trade?

Nick Markakis for Michael Young and Jay Bruce (been after michael young for a while because weak at ss - only have furcal and tulowitzki and both not doing too good... in of i have much stronger - josh hamilton, holliday, mclouth, cuddyer, ordonez and ramirez)

I'm 23 years old when will I be too old to participate in college athletics as of all sports?

I only plan on participating in Intercollegiate Athletics, or Junior College Athletics, If I plan on participating in Intercollegiate Athletics will I have to apply now, have a coach take a peak at me, and commit to the college by March or April?, Thank You So Much, I would greatly appreciate some answers.

How to go fast(er/est) on a snowboard?

Im 17 and ive been snowbaording for 6 yrs now. Im not big on tricks and love to go fast. Usually im one of the fastest SNOWBOARDERS on the mountain. but my best friend skiis, every now and again we race. he usually beats me because skiis are inherently faster than a snowboard. Is there anything i can do to change this? (tips to ride faster)

I'm losing my battle to the fleas....?

Don't wash off the flea meds. and I'm guessing the stuff that you sprayed the yard with or the carpet with isn't working. If the dog is on that much stuff to get rid of the fleas and it still gets them back then they are coming from somewhere. Can you bomb your house? Respray the yard. If you can't bomb the house, try using Borax on the carpet. You can buy it at the grocery store in the laundry area. You just sprinkle it on the carpet and leave it. It dries them out...and your skin if you stay in contact with it too much. But it works and then it can just be vacuumed out.

Do you think this extract is well written/interesting etc?

It was really well-written (as usual Jack) but I think you should have used some brief periods of dialogue to break the continuous narration. Like, in the instance where you wrote 'Dylan told them that he was tired and they concurred" or something along those lines; I think you should have actually put a short conversation there instead. Few other areas could have also been treated similarly. Secondly, "Dylan might have fallen in love with a boy" should have been "Dylan might have fallen in love with a MAN" (well in my opinion) since it is University and 'boy' makes it sound like kindergarten.

Was anyone else pissed at last night's Smack Down?

Was anyone else pissed off with Smack Down ls last night? I was for sure, what really irked me was that they showed almost all of the former stars,alive or dead but they sure as Hell left Chris Benoit off, but made sure to have Eddie G, Kurt A,and Jeff Hardy all of these are known for doing drugs... so big FU%KING DEAL benoit killed himself,maybe killing his family was a mistake,,he still was a WWF/WWE star.

Need help .! i need to contact CHI customer service .!?

i checked online but there are no emails, or phone numbers . my straightner broke and i need to contact customer support ASAP , anyone know where i can call or email to tell them about my problem .? (:

Where will Michael Vick end up?

I have 3 teams on my mind. Either the Patriots, Broncos, or the Packers. These 3 are in a serious need of a good back up qb. Remember Cris Redman the back up from Atlanta. He was out of the league for a couple of years, but after the Falcons signed him he sure showed very good potential. Lets see if Michael Vick can do the same. Where do you guys think he will end up?

Question about the monty hall probability delima / paradox?

okay i understand the monty hall problem in probability theory. That you should always choose the other door because your initial choice give you only a 1/3 chance of winning. So you should always swap doors. I've even tried this out in a real life test using a deck of cards and see it to be true. You win more if you swap. But here's my delima and a paradox I just came up with. Say instead of having a simple sum of cash behind that door, you have a person holding that cash in an envelope. Who, after monty eliminates one of the doors for the contestent is then the one given the option of swaping instead of the original contestent having that choice. Isn't the probability the same for that 'door' as it is for the 'contestent'. Meaning from the perspective of the contestent, they originally only had a 1/3 chance of winning so now that a door has been eliminated they have better odds if they swap. Same goes from the perspective of the door doesn't it? If you take things from the doors perspective (or in my story, a guy standing behind the door) it also originally only had a 1/3 chance of having the cash in it's envelope so it too has better odds if it swaps. How can both be true? And if one can emperically test this theory from the perspective of the contestant using a deck of cards and it does indeed pan out to be true, then how could both be true? How can each have better odds if they switch? Does this turn into some weird quantum mechanics things? Has anyone tested this as in the one who actually makes the decision is always the one with the better odds?

Would the Devil steal from his brothers then betray believers in Jesus?

I believe the Devil definitely would, where this happened to Jesus in the Gospel of John 12:4 and Judas was his betrayer. Thieving money out of the treasury is what Judas being in charge of the money did, and the bigger the thief the bigger the betrayer, where the Devil would sell all believers to the enemy there's no doubt about that; Jesus makes believers in him aware though of what he's up to which has to be a good thing; the tone of the Devil is so convincing and righteous most of the time though that it's very difficult to realise that betrayal is going on, until God the Father through his son with the Holy Spirit tells believers, in all different loving ways. Mankind needs to run from the betraying Devil, but this is really really difficult due to the Devil's cunningness, and like Jesus says in the Gospel 'get behind me Satan' is really only mankind's way of defeating the Devil. The Devil just yawns at mankind because he finds it so easy to deceive and betray, to steal what little good they have in them, then turn them over to the enemy. The Devil will betray Mankind to the enemy, Jesus would never do that. (My knowledge and Trinity beliefs in the Holy Bible.)

Is there any grammatical logic behind saying "I am well"?

'Well' can be an adjective or an adverb. In the sentence, "I am well," it is an adjective meaning 'healthy' or 'fine.' "I am good," on the other hand, means 'I am not wicked," and is therefore an incorrect response to "How are you?"

Do you need ventilation when using a flame-less propane heater?

Yes you do need ventilation! All combustion requires oxygen. Additionally carbon monoxide is a lethal by-product of combustion. The amount of ventilation required varies with btu rating.

My puppy's tooth broke?

I noticed to day in the morning when i didnt see her bottom left canine tooth i dont know how long its been missing the whole tooth is not gone it seems it broke off and the rest is in the gum it hasnt been bleeding well when i noticed just little dots of blood but it wasnt bleeding should i do something or should i just wait as i would have until she lost her teeth

My rabbit thinks my bed is a litterbox.?

She is marking her territory, but you have to teach her that the bed is out of bounds. I clap a single loud clap whenever my bunny is about to do something she shouldn't do and then pick her up and move her away from the object. Eventually she will learn that she should not go there or do that and she learns that a clap means stop.

I just set up a small aquarium (2gal) with 3 small fish in it. It has a pump, why am I getting bubbles in it?

Put in distilled water and de-clorinating drops. Fish seem fine...hungry all the time. I don't like all those bubbles on top of the water?????

Do you ever feel that "seldom" sounds weird in a sentence?

I always feel that it should be "seldomly" so whenever I see just "seldom" I never accept it as a word lol...

I need a good simile please?

Despite his instinct to volunteer, it was still obvious that most of the others got the benefits not he. Just like a clique using a wannabe.

What "green" measures are liberal democrats taking to minimize their carbon footprint?

They aren't. Pushing CFL bulbs just increases mercury in the environment and removes a supplemental form of home heating during the winter. They're all a bunch of hypocrites intent on getting as much power and control from the people as they can. Violating the Constitution is the least of their worries.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Samsung Instinct Internet Ability?

It depends which blackberry you want to compare it to. It works well on my blackberry 8830 (using opera browser), but it works even better on my friend's Instinct.

Christmas gift for my best friend that is personal and creative?

So, when I give gifts I like them to be personal, creative, and orginal. IN the past I have designed a lot of photo gifts from Walgreens, like a mousepad or a notebook. I've decorated a composition notebook with quotes and magazine cutouts to use as a journal. I've ordered a ornament with inside jokes inked on it. SO, as you can see, my gifts are different. I LOVE giving these types of gifts. This is the first Christmas I'll be exchanging with my best friend, as I met her a little less than a year ago and my life has been different ever since. I really want to do something AMAZING for her, but I'm not sure what. I need some ideas por favor!

How to get my hair like this? =)?

How I'd do it is after a shower, you put your hair up into braids in 3 different sections so that the waves aren't uniform like they'd be in one braid. Sleep through it (if you shower at night) then take them out. If you shower in the morning, I'd recommend curling with a straightener, then brush out the curls only until they become small waves.

What would you call a cl on mount rushmore, the hoover dam, statue of liberty and stuff like that?

I beleive a cl on those would be something entitled American monuments. or American Sights to see. Are you taking a cl or starting one?

Genetic Question? Help?

I'm just trying to guess what my baby's eye colour is. I'm 3 months pregnant and i'm interested, lol. My boyfriend's eyes are a darkish brown, mine is a light brown, most of my family's is either brown or dark brown (I'm from Japanese descent), my boyfriends mom's side is Lebanese, and they have pretty much all brown eyes I believe, except a few people on his dad's side have some green and blues. Out of the information i've given, what is most likely going to be the colour of our baby's eyes?

Who also suffers when Babylon the Great is destroyed?

The stores and merchants who sell all the xmas, easter decorations, any food, gifts that go with it.. Any religious themed holiday will be nil. The merchants will suffer. They base their income on how much they make at the end of the year because of the holidays. So Babylon the Great suffers, yes, but so will department stores.

OK so I'm selling crochet beanies, and accessories on but I really would like to find a better sit?

to market my products, whats a good site, that doesn't charge a lot and Oh if any ones interested in buying my site is

What are some cool songs like "Love Like Woe" by The Ready Set?

Love Like Woe is definitely one of the best songs ever and i was just wondering if anyone knew some songs by other artists that are like it. Any suggestions would be awesome! Thnx!

People with std's?? That aren't promiscuous...?

I'm 18. About to graduate high school. I was diagnosed with not long ago at all. I got it from a boyfriend I was in love with that cheated on me. I finally thought I found a great guy, and the other night we had , for like 20 seconds w/out a condom. Then I forgot all about having , and then I made him wear one. The next night, he didn't have one. He said he promised he didn't have anything, and it was the moment of truth where I thought he needed to know. I cared that much. And as soon as I told him, he flipped out, and told me not to touch him and to leave, because "he had it now" which isn't exactly true. I'm so tired of everyone thinking std's aren't that common, why can't there be a commercial, saying not everyone is nasty, you don't always catch it. 50% of people will have in theyre lifetime. Its so common, but yet people think your soo nasty if you do. I thought i did the right thing by telling. I'm so tired of this, now I think no guy will ever stay with me.

What is the cutest or prettiest beauty product you have or have seen?

well it can be anything such as perfumes,makeup,creams or whatever.something cute like gwen staphani's prerfume!

What would happen if Hoover Dam collapsed completely due to a terrorist attack?

What would be the effects of an explosion completely tearing away Hoover Dam? How large of an area would be flooded? How many would lose power due to power supply being cut of from this source? What would be all the effects including possible casualties if this ever happened?

Can anyone understand this French?

je suis au courant des photos sur face book de grace que ca ne te derange pas.Il ne faut pas te donner des maux pour des non sens.Sarah m a l air de faire comme bon lui semble ne te prends pas la tete pour des choses sans tete ni queue.Qu elle ne te fe pas perdre ton bon coeur et ta loyaute reste humain comme tu l as tjrs etais.Si pour un rien tu te mets sur la defensive tu finiras par craquer ca ne vaut pas la peine.Si tu ne supportes pas ce qu elle dit , fait tes ablutions et dire bcp de fois des astafiroulas , lahillaha illala et alhamdoulilah ca apaise le coeur.Que ce tu veus faire reste en toi ne dis rien a personne A LAURA QUI POURRA TE CONSEILLER..DU COURAGE.Si tu vois que lui ai envoye des remerciements c est pr toi que je l ai fait et tu suras un jour.

Am I missing something~~?

I go to the mall, and all the teenage girls that work there are like a size 2! Do you girls have some kind of competition to stay thin? I'm not knockin' it, I need to lose weight and Iwant to know how all these girls do it!!!

Why does Gaydar radio only play techno/ambient/trance?

"Gaydar" sounds like a machine. Any jack that wants to name a radio station that would probably have electronic music in mind.

Colston for Turner trade straight up (12 team PPR)?

If he accepts id say go for it. Because colston is amazing but hes a go big or go home kinda guy and not in a ppr. Walker is ppr beast and VJax is def a good choice but your flex would have to be brown most weeks but pretty much id say go for it !

How to import video clips using a Nikon coolpix L15 digital camera?

I have a Nixon Coolpix L15 digital cam. and i have about 10 video clips on there and i imported all my pictures but for some reason i cant upload the videos i dont know how, is there anyone who know's how to do it and if there is any programs to do so

When Michael Vick is released, what team or teams will try to sign him?

I think a team like the Lions, niners, Texans, or maybe even the bucs because Garcia is getting up in age.

Poll: Mitt Romney vs Tim Pawlenty?

I support Ron Paul but would favor Romney over Pawlenty given only those two choices. (Perry over Romney however).

It aches so freakin bad.?

Your husband has some serious issues that only a Psychologist/Counselor can handle. I suggest you both find a competent one and he should go for help. You can join him later if need be.

Why did hoover feel threatened by the bonus veterans march in 1932?

In 1932 the bonus army marched in washington, fighting for their bonus to be granted 13 years early. Why did hoover feel threatened by the Bonus veterans? and what mistakes did he make during this time?

I have a math question which am facing a problem in it?

Eshita is incorrect, she gave you the amount of odd numbers between 1 and 199, but did not give you the SUM of all of them, which would be adding them all together. im not sure what the variable in the equation are, but it is the equivalent of adding all of the odd numbers 1+3+5+6......+103+105+107 etc etc. i hope this helps

Am I being too precocious?

No!! Your not!your doing what's best for yourself and ur baby. Keep ur your hands washed constantly and anything they touch spray with lysol. Its very dangerous for your baby to get the h1n1. You can NEVER be to careful. Good luck and I pray that you nor you baby gets sick.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do i SERIOUSLY improve my reading comprehension for the SAT/PSAT?

The least inexpensive way is to go to your local library and check out the SAT study guide. It also includes a CD that will work you through reading comprehension and give you helpful ideas on how to improve on your on. I did the same thing last year and my scores when way up! Good luck!

Why are Democrats so concerned with who's the head of the Republican Party?

The thing is that the GOP is a party without a head. Such a party can say and do anything it wants and there is no figure/person that would be accountable for the party's actions. That is what you see in gorilla warfare not in a real battle, in real battles the combatants and their positions are well identified. This type of behavior is created to attack in a vicious manner with little repercussions for the party. It is cowardly behavior.

I need to know how to recorde the journal entry so I can recorded this entry in my adjusted trial balance.?

8. The Mortgage Payable amount of $593,780 is related to the building. The original balance was $600,000 with a monthly payment of $5,063 due on the 15th of each month. The first payment was made on October 15. The interest rate ociated with the mortgage is 6%. The last payment made was December 15, 2009 and interest for the second half of December has not been recorded.

What does size 10 yarn mean?

The higher the number in crochet thread, the thinner the thread is. Size 10 is a good size for bedspreads and tablecloths or for apparel. It takes a steel hook size 7 or 8.

How do i express my feelings in a letter?

I met a guy in the begging of the year his name is aj, thing were going good we dated for a while but he still had some feeling for his ex and did not want to start a relationship with me until he was sure about us, some things happen we stop talking few months later he comes back looking for me and wants a chance i gave him the opportunity.. then went out to eat and i saw a picture of his ex and him hugging and i was upset i told him to let me go.. few months later i started talking to another guy and had a relationship then aj comes back to improve to me he wants me back to forgive him, i wasnt sure but everyday aj will improve to me and show me how he felt he gave a rose everyday wrote me love letters and he knew i was in a relationship he told me he would wait for me and at that time i felled in with aj now that i broke up with me ex aj is not sure about me.. i tried calling him and told him wat i feel, now i just want to write a letter how i feel that i miss him and cant stop thinking about him and i think about the moments we spend together and how i can still feel his touch and body and the beautiful memories and sweet love we made. Can you help express that in a letter please?

Have You Lost Confidence In Pharmaceutical Research?

again with the big pharma rantings disguised as a new report disguised as a legitimate questions. i don't see you raving about use not using cars any more despite the fact that we see numerous accidents and deaths cause by cars.

Mental Illness/ Howard Hughes?

I'm in Psych 182, and we are discussing mental illness...well that got me thinking about Howard Hughes...I'm pretty sure he had OCD but does anyone else know of anyother mental illnesses he had...I was thinking he could have had Agoraphobia (fear of the marketplace) but I wasnt sure...thanks :)

Do any of you democrats see a problem with...?

I see that many of your responders either have never watched Fox News or that they don't have an objective bone in their body. I suspect a lot of both for these are the same folks who get their news on late night TV. ...and yeah, there's a big problem with the Obama Administration's actions regarding Fox, but these dullards won't appreciate it until some other administration attacks the "truth" from their pathetic point of view. As for me I refuse to legitimize the Obama Administration because they certainly don't represent me.

Osama Bin Laden shares May 1 death with Adolf Hitler?

No they weren't on the same day but you can find out the whole death list at

Where can i get the new school unform for ridgeway school wroughton swindon wilts?

ridgeway school is just out side of swindon in has just started this year with a new unform.i can not get it any where

Does this ambigram have origin of symmetry?

No it does not.. It does not split evenly for example if it were folded in half the letters would not line up with each other.

Can anyone tell me the urban legend of Carmen Winstead (10 points)?

I want to know it but im too scared too look it up on google cause of the pictures(i know im such a wimp).If anyone tells me the story completly i will put you as the best answer.I really want to know the story.I dont care if its scary

How can someone call themselves a Christian and not believe in specific truths?

There are so many versions of Christianity, most of which can be can be "validated" by emphasising some scripture and ignoring others (differently for each version), that I don't think it's possible to give an over-arching rule about what a Christian is. I just go by the rule of accepting that someone is a Christian who states and believes so.

What Are the Black Specks in My Cats Fur?

So over 1 year ago i got a cat from the humane society, her skin by her tail has always been kinda sensitive but now when i brush her by her tail there are these little black things in her fur. and she has white fur so i can see what they are really easily. well i put the black "things" under a microscope and its dried blood!!!!, but she has NO scape's at ALL!!!! i really don't know where they came from or anything. She doesn't have flees!!!!!! and she is losing her hair by her tail. Any advice or any help on what they are or what i can do?!?!?!?

Help me out! whats the name of Flo Rida's new song?

The song is called I'm Blue(If I was green I would die) or it is called Sugar Ft. Wynter Gordon BUT IT IS ONE OF THOSE.

With a learner's permit how old does the panger have to be?

I live in Washington state I am 19 years old and am hoping that my 20 year old boyfriend can teach me how to drive. I have my learners permit but I am not sure if it would be considered improper use of a permit if he taught me. I found some stuff about the penger being 21 but i'm not sure if that is only for minors. Does anyone know?

What is the best quilt shop/ resource on line?

I want to know where you get your fabric from? Who is your favorite resource? What online quilt store or website do you visit the most? Who is your favorite designer? Patterns and fabric.

Do they make any Indy Car games.?

Papyrus did in '93, Microsoft did in '97, there was a Sega arcade games in '95, there was that Driven game in '01, the list is forever

What are the qualifications to be a state trooper in NJ?

I am going to a county college for ociates in criminal justice and what would I need to do after that?

I'm curious what does this mean??? (open)?

Two meanings to one question. An open relationship means, that there are no ties between two people. Or we can have an open relationship like having more than one relationship at the same time.Does that make sense.

How do you sneak alcohol into concerts?

have a girl bring it in her purse! (if youre going with a girl) and if not just drink it before you get there. or bring something that looks like a non-alcoholic beverage and put it in a random bottle ?

What happens to unused baggage space in commercial airlines?

So I recently flew to hawaii and had to pack all of my stuff in a carry-on because I did not want to have to pay the 15 or however many dollars to check a bag. Which got me thinking, if everyone packs heavy carry-ons and a "personal item", what happens to all of the luggage space that would have been used for their luggage just a couple months ago? Do they sell out the space to shippers? What if people carried too heavy of carry-ons and the airline then packed the cargo hold full of packages and the airplane became overloaded? With the advent of paying to check baggages, could this become a new safety hazard?

My former dog a husky cross from an indian reserve bit a child and gave him 37 stitches im so sad child was hu?

stitches.. i feel so bad for the 5 yr old and my former dog..i believe she has been put down, and i dont know how to deal with the whole situation.. any support or help from others would be appreciated June 13 2011

How do i achieve my goal in what college i want to go to?

i really like the school uc davis. my cousins went there and so did my sister and im looking forward to go there too. im a sopre this year so i have a fresh start. what i can do is keep a gpa above 3.3, alot of community service in hospitals and libraries, etc. im probily going to play jv football this year but it cost a lot so im not sure. i havn t taken my sat or psat. also i have an A period im in English honors 2 , i have chemistry next year and geometry.thoes are my higher cles.Will the A period help or should i drop it? so what else can i do to boost my chances in getting excepted to Davis this year?also would it be better for me to go to a 2 year community college then transfer to a university?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Underground Bands?

If you're really open about music try some of the new Hanson stuff like "Georgia", "Watch Over Me", and "Running Man". They're actually on their own indie label now. Also, I found this really fun song called "Stuttering" by Ben's Brother.

Cross Word Puzzle Help Please?

Since these don't require general words, but specifically historical events, perhaps posting in HISTORY will be more productive.

How many of you really know the prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)?

I know he was an epileptic pedophile that heard voices. Voices that no one else did. He also was a killer and murdered many. The historical record is quite clear.

In The Great Gatsby, how did Jay Gatsby become rich?

i read this book last yr and i can't remember the way he became rich. can someone help me please????

Does human survival depend mostly on science, or religion and the supernatural?

I suppose someone will say "ims allah" or it's up to God. But isn't that dodging the question?

What happened to her?

Raven was working on her 4th album and getting better roles in new movies like College Road Trip. she was also having problems with the other girls while filming the Cheetah girls 2

HELP!! i need info RELIABLE info?

okay so my girlfriend has a house in her name out in bellingham and im trying to get this new apartment but it doesnt accept co-signers so i need her to sign an application to help boost the credit score so i can get in. so technically she would be residing at two homes is this legal? or possible? can we accomplish this? HELP! please & thanks all info

I just bought a new PCI Express video card but It does not fit.?

I believe I bought the wrong card. Now that I'm looking at it it looks like I need an AGP video card. So, basically I'm stuck and dont know what to do. It's not like I can exchange it because I need a completely different card. Help! Any ideas?

Teen pregnant w step dad's baby in the sims?

I think that first of all it's just the sims. And with that in mind, follow the teen and call the police. Maybe they can find him and you can sue him and get rich :)

Do you think that Lil Kim has the right to be upset about the movie Notorious?

Lil Kim is upset about how she is depicted in the movie. She was the mistress of Notorious Big. The woman had a relationship with a married man and in her music depicts herself as being promiscuous. She is upset with Notorious mother, because of the movie. Hey moms need to make a living too. She is just trying to show the world the truth. I feel that Lil Kim has no right to be upset, because she put all of her buisness, with her and Notorious in her own music. She even looked at the script before the movie was made and was paid money so that her character could be in the movie. I would like to know what everybody thinks about this topic.

Can you freeze distill and boil the distillate briefly to remove to safely distill?

freeze distillation has been used for centuries. it is not very efficient, and as for getting it to the point for methanol but not ethanol to evaporate, it sounds like a lot of work... if you are getting to that, you might as well make a complete still.

Around The Horn tv show?

it's not the 1st time detroit tried to get tmac. but what would they have to part with that houston wants? i would guess rasheed and billups come to mind because everyone knows if there were a guy to be traded from the pistons, sheed is the first to go and having stuckey makes billups expendable.

Can a fibroid get a biopsy? Is it necessary for me to have a hysterectomy?

You r menopouse so don`t need uterus,i know surgery is invasive,but heavy bleeding=iron defeciency.i always prescribe to my patients PROGESTERON.they every day every 12hours 2 pills.

How to bring up the topic of taking the contraceptive pill with my mum?

i wouldn't talk about the risks iv been on he pill since i think it was 15 to iv been on all types im now on the mini pill and it only used for my period to if you say to your mum talk more about the things that it would help you dose she no what happening with your periods at the moment

When somebody defame you, what should you do?

i'm very sad now. yesterday, i found that one of my roomates slandered me behind me. i am so believe of her before. i tell her all of my secrets. what should i do?

Help getting off roxycodone any home remedies?

i need help with the with drawls and how long dose it take for xanax and Roxy's to get out your system

What's that one wish that you'd want a good genie to answer???

Hm... to be honest, I would be torn between two choices... either to ask him to improve my Mom's health as much as he can, to make my brother quit drugs or to provide wisdom and patience for me .... Hm... normally I would choose the well-being of my family, but sometimes I get very frustated and the I would choose my well-being...This is a honest answer

What type of frame reinforcing did the buildings ripped apart by tornados have?

I think that's the way to go- build super reinforced houses and buildings, or start going underground, cuz the tornadoes are obviously here to stay!

Ideal cycling workout for weight loss?

I m 160 cm tall and 60kgs in weight. I do 30 min (10 min 3 times) a day cycling with normal diet. can anyone give me sm rough idea, how long wud it take to reduce 10 kgs.

How to make a trihybrid test cross?

I need help making a trihybrid test cross for two individuals who are each heterozygous for earlobes (dominant E, recessive e); PTC tasting (dominant T, recessive t); and tongue rolling (dominant R, recessive r). Also, what would the ratios of all possible genotypes and phenotypes be? I get that there's 64 boxes in the punnett square, but that's as much as I have to go on. Thanks!

Can somebody please explain coptic christianity in egypt?

What are the differences between coptic christianity and catholicism, and protestant (like, which is it closer to?).

Are freeware antivirus are effective on cleaning virus?

do freeware antiviruses work like threatfire xoftspy sypbot i want to know if they clean virus and speed up pcs like the pay editions

Should a married man email a single woman all day?

If his wife doesn't know about it. The emails are just between two coworkers, he & I. They're from work & at home, but the emails are totally platonic. But, I begin to wonder, why is he emailing me so much when he is married. Shouldn't he be emailing his wife? Would you be mad if your husband was emailing a single woman if you didn't know about it, even if the emails were totally innocent? Thx.

American idol... kris?

Kris freaks you out wtf is wrong with u. Adam jumps around and screams like a girl and kris is the strange one? GET A LIFE

My Kittens farts really smell?

i have 2 kittens 18wks old and i know how you feel,but its natural bit like us depends on what they eat and the flavor with mine its salmon or rabbit then its open the window

What if the team that you are rooting for loses the Super bowl on Sunday, Then what?

What if they lose & the other team wins Packers vs Steelers Who ?do you think will win & what if they lose then what ?

Pokemon platinum question-elite 4?

I think your team seems pretty good. I am not sure of the Pokemon Platinum Elite 4, but I usually try to make my teams very diverse. For example, your Luxray knows 3 electric moves and mine knows 2 (1 being Charge) and a Normal and Dark move. Rhydon is a very good choice, but if you have a friend nearby who is willing to trade you, I would evolve it into a Rhyperior. Overall, I think your team is a good choice.

Why do we find comfort in stuffed animals, pets, and blankets?

you know the feeling, everything is alright in the world when you are snuggled up to that stuffed animal that smells like peppermint, or that fuzzy blanket, or even when you have your head on your pet and everything seems okay. why is this so? question for psychologists. ten points. :)

Is there something wrong with me?

I constantly feel so unattractive to the point where when i walk down a corridor i feel like people are constantly laughing and talking about me. If i'm talking to someone, i try as much as i can to cover my face up and feel really uncomfortable in light places. I constantly have a feeling of anxiety and have a strong fear of social situations involving strangers. I always feel upset and on the rare occasion when im happy, find myself searching for reasons not to be :S Is this extensive vanity, or does anyone think there may be a reason for it? Help would be much appreciated :)

BOYS would u do this for anyone?

I would do it for both. But if he is usually really quiet, it seems like he may be doing it because he has a crush on you, and didnt want to see you getting bullied.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why did the Continental Congress sponsor the publishing of Bibles and proclaim national days of fasting and ?

because contrary to the myth propagated by atheists...we were founded on Christian principles...and freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion...

Weird unanswered questions of the universe :(?

You are awesome. Your brain is like mine, always asking the weird and unexplained. Nice job. (wipes off star and hands it to you)

Do you ever get mistaken for another nationality?

I always get mistaken for lebanese. I went to the kebab shop and he started speaking arabic to me i was like sorry? lol its happened 9/10 times i get called that.

Why is my Microsoft Word Spell Check not working?

I have been working on a paper for a few days, and before my spell check was working. But now something has gone wrong and I can type lakjdlkjalkfjd and it won't underline it with red or anything. HELP! Serious answers only please.

Should I trade my 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier for a 1993 Honda Prelude that is kind of a show car?

Keep your Cavalier, it is a way better car than any honda from 1993. As long as the Cavalier is clean mechanically, you would be way ahead in keeping it. Besides, you know what is wrong with your car. You don't know exactly what is wrong with the "new" used car.

Why does it get more complex?

Ok I like A boy he said he hated me thinks im ugly and stuff yeah so i took someones advice on here and asked him out well i had a firend do it for me his cousen he told my firend that he already had a girlfirend is he lying to get me to think he is already taken so i couldnt ask him out again because he thinks im so ewww or is he trying to get me jealous or just trying to let me down easy please anwser!!!!!

Kikuta from Tales of the Otori?

I'd like to know whether the Kikuta tribe really exists. I first knew about it from reading Tales of the Otori by Lian Hearn and there is a repeated reference to Kikuta and their trademark line straight across the palm. Does such a tribe exist/or did exist?

Peer pressure ruined my life , only 14?

i have a really f****d life , im 14 and im going into year 10 , im really scared about that , well i use to be a good girl , and then i meet this girl * jess* anyway she smoked and did stuff like that and b4 i knew her i diidnt really have many friends i had 1 but she hang in this cool group and they diidnt like me so i use to sit with her and them and never talk or anything , and then i meet jess and we become good friends , like best firiends . well i then found out she was into drinking and drugs and smoking and having , i lied to her and siad i smoked and did that stuff , she thought i did so she thought i was cool , after a while i started having family problems as i hate my dad so much for no reason and i only see him once a week cuz he works so much and my parents use to fight alot and then i found out my dad was dying from smoking and even though i hated my dad i felt sad , i started cutting myself , but only really small and like not deep and on my knee , after a while a lot of peole i knew where all into smoking and drinking , so i started drinking and smoking and i was at my friends house once and they keept trying to make me have when i have never even kissed a boy , so i had and it was so bad i hated every momment , my family probslems got wrose and i was allawys crying and i started taking pandol like 6 in a row for no reason like every day , i started doing drugs and drinking all the time and smoking all the time , i started hanging in the city at night and guys who where like 21 and older would take me to there house and we would have , im a mess i know , anyway i started doing bad at school , got in trouble a lot , never did my work , just sat there , i alawys felt alone and like every one wouldnt like me , ive stop having with random guys , but im still doing the rest , im really scared , i cut myself all the time , like once i had about 49 cuts on my arm , i had no more room it when all the way up , i still cut all the time and then jess moved schjools and i started hanging with this other group who loved me but i allways felt like they diidnt like me or felt sorry for me , anyways they found out i cut myself and they where all being really nice and stuff , i never told them about my family problems or stuff like that , they allways thought i had the perfect life , i still dnt do work at school and i still drink and smoke and cut , im really scared about year 10 , every one seems to know what there gonna do with there lifes but me , im scared im gonn fail and im just scared about year 10 , any advice or anything would be nice , im from sydney and was wondering if there are any free counseling palces i can go to and i cant tell my parents about the counseling as they dnt know about any of this

Need advice on setting up a 55 gallon aquarium?

be care full.if u do not have a wooden FRAME round the tank.put polystyrene under the year or to u your tank might crack at the bottom of your tank.

Maybe taking the PSAT's?

I am a sopre in high school. The PSAT's are bing offered at my school on Oct. 16. I feel like I should take them. I was practicing SAT vocab over the summer..Do you think I should? Would it be worth it? What exactly do these scores go to? Also, what exactly is on the test and how should I prepare? Thank you

Women in prisons/jail?

I've never been to prison myself, but from what I get from it, the inmates aren't segregated, they may form their own cliques in prison, but that's self-segregation. They would have the same routines as the males, up at a certain time, meal time, work and chores, time out in the yard, some inmates are offered the chance to take cles and earn their GEDs if they didn't complete high school, or even earn college degrees. Some are "lifers" and others may be rehabilitated for return to civilian life.

That backstabbing SOB!?

This guy used to be one of my best friends. When we both moved schools, there were three new people - me, him and the third person, who I will call Neville. So I started in September, and I have made friends, and I am OK friends with this other bunch. When the rest of the cl, including my ex bff, went on a trip abroad, I got talking more and I found out that Neville had used two of these people who were friends with a guy called Sammy, he used them to get closer to Sammy. And then apparently he started spreading **** about the people he used. In my book, that calls for action. But what should I do?

Hypnosis stuff?

Would anyone be interested in being hypnotized online? Or would anyone like to try to hypnotize me online? Let me know. Email me for more.

Countdown when surfing web. Virus, Spyware, or error?

When I surf the web. Myspace, youtube, gamespot....anything really. Most of the time lately this continuous beeping noise will play. When I cut the page off, it's fine. My pc works fine. Just the annoying beeping. I figure I've downloaded something that is monitoring or screwing with my browser. Help with this?

Which NFL division will be the first to have all of its teams win a Super Bowl?

NFC East- The Eagles were poised for a super bowl, but were plagued by mistakes. They need to use the run game more so they don't wear down Mike Vick. Another thing is Jackson, if Jackson isn't involved early on in a game then he is absent the whole game. They also could use a legitimate no. 4 receiver for the 4 WR spread. I think Kerry Meier could end up taking this spot if he progresses enough.

Who should I write a sonnet about?

I have to write a sonnet for English, and it has to be about love. We can write it about our love for someone or something, but basically love has to be the topic. So what are some things I should write about? List food, objects, whatever. I'll give 10 points to whoever says the thing I choose to write about. Thank you. (:

Should I trade Tim Hightower/Ted Ginn Jr. for Jerricho Cotchery/Ricky Williams?

We are PPR RBs are Forte/R. Brown/K. Moreno/L. Washington and my WR are Jennings/Manningham/S. Moss/D. Mason....

Are there any attorneys contemplating litigation against Lippencott,LLC DBA

Lippincott AKA Goldkit has been doing some shady bussiness opperations. Also, I thought that the BBB was suposed to Warn people of such activetys. Thay handiley loose your shipment and pay you some minute insurence. How fishy is that? Seems to me that the BBB and Lippincott are in bed with each other.

Did Obama project his self by saying that You and I have "shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive"?

It's complete B.S. This president is making a habit of positioning American citizens as the demon to cover up whatever it is his Congress is trying to p each week. He is SOOOO wrong when he says he is the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks. What he doesn't realize is NO ONE is standing with him and the pitchfork is for him and his cronies. You are right...projection. That arrogant a ss has some nerve espousing anti-American sentiment on foreign soil.

What are other artists and musicians like Bruno Mars?

I love his album. What are other singers and musicians that could kinda be catagorized in the same as him ?

What are the causes of a late period? (See details)?

I'm not pregnant but I did notice my aunt flo was late this month and this is more of a scientific question, I moved from a house with 2 other girls to a house with a guy. I know when your around girls a lot, your periods get in sync with each other. So I'm just wondering if moving from a girl house to a guy apt would miss up my period, lol because of those hormones you put out

PLEZ HELP ME FEEL BETTER CUZ I'M UPSET NOW??????? =((((((((( WHAT COULD I SAY TO HIM??????********************?

maybe his affraid of telling you his feeling and you don't feell the same way. or his not interested at all. why don't you start telling him then he might finish it.

In California what is the difference between non-judicial & judicial foreclosure?

nom judicial are generally limited to deeds of trusts and trustee foreclosures that do not need a court sanction.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Has anyone else noticed that whoever plays the joker..?

Does an AMAZING job? Jack Nicolson, Heath Ledger...I forgot his name, but the guy who played him in those old batman shows

My next tattoo??

I already have two tattoo's. a so-called "tramp stamp" and one between my shoulder blades. i am getting a small qoute on my rib cage on my side. ...... would it look silly if i just had one side done? and if i do get the other side done what should i get? i was thinking a cross or something!

Molarity and Precipitates..!! :[?

Bone was dissolved in HCL to give a solution of CaCl2. An excess of potium oxalate was added to 75.00 mL of this solution to precipitate all of the calcium as CaC2O4 (Calcium oxalate). What was the molarity of CaCl2 in the original solution, if 1.109 g of calcium oxalate was collected after precipitation?

What can i do to convinve my mom?!?

i took the shot today and i feel fine but i didnt want it my mom made me but im still worried so be careful!

Is free universal health care a necessary thing?

Try getting billed by a specialist for a consult and paying for it yourself, then see what you think.

If someone made false malicious allegations against you what would you do?

I am in a situation where my husbands step daughter and ex boyfriend made allegations about me that I was seeing some man and f_ _ _ _ _ _ some man up the road for his house. She has also made allegations to my 7 year old daughter about a telephone conversation saying that I threated to kill my husbands step daughter. These are false allegations. My husband and I are separated and he wants me to turn up to family functions with her there and expect me to be nice to her when I am the victim of these allegations.

Santa barbara bank and trust?

so somehow i applied for an anticipation loan from this bank and now am stuck with it. i have a question , will i recieve my REAL refund money (from the IRS) as soon as i cash the cashier's check that SBBT sends me ? or how does it work ? thanks

Is it wrong that I'm turned off when he s in front of me?

I wouldn't be so concerned with being turned off. You should question his judgment, though. I mean, if I have the option of doing it myself or having a girl do it for me, I'm going to pick the girl any day. Hand jobs, in general, are pretty useless, though. Trust me, I can do it better myself than any girl can. Try something else.

What causes frequent & easy bruising?

Hi. I realise recently I am bruising very, very easily. Two months ago I went on an Outward Bound trip and both my legs were nearly completely bruised. My friends asked if I had any blood related diseases when they saw it. Today I notived that my wrist bruised after I use it to carry a shopping bag which wasn't very heavy. This spurred my curiousity if I should worry?

Is it normal to pay for an entire year of college ahead of time?

I was looking into robert morris in chicago and was a little surprised when i found out that they wanted me to pay for the entire year ahead of my financial aid didn't really cover anything so then i would need 2 take out a almost 10,000 loan(this would be per year(this doesnt even include my books!)and im going for 4years!) Is this a good idea im thinking about continuing at a community college! Can someone help PLS im confused!

I have a question on how to do this problem..?

well please try to go over your book on the rules on how to name a metal + nonmetal, two non-metals, and acids also. I wil help you a little. first you have to know what is a metal and what is a non-metal. then you will be able to name the compounds easily. for ionic bond its basically have a metal and a non-metal in the compound, and covalent is when you have two non-metals in the compound.

What Size Board should I skate?

I'm about 5 feet tall, with a size 8 shoe. I currently have a 7.775ish board. What size skateboard should I be using? I'm thinking of going smaller and using 7.5. I can ollie and pop shuv-it on a 7.8 but can't kickflip. Will it help if I go smaller to 7.5 or what size? I'm in this for tricks. Also I mgiht need the size for other parts like wheels too plz. Wheels I don't care much about. But I want ones that are pretty fast.

Problem with a kid in my school!?

A kid named Raymond that I go to school with is infatuated with me He started cutting just so I would like him and every other text message is "Do you like me?" I keep saying only as a friend. Its getting annoying!! Oh and as a bonus every time I say I don't like him he goes suicidal =/


I want to study architecture (that is I want to be an architect) but I'm a little weary of all the other cles that get crammed in with the study, I just really want to study and focus only on architecture. I was wondering though if an architecture school (as opposed to a university or college) would offer such a setting?

93 bronco / Engine dies when put into gear then having problems starting?

'93 Bronco 4x4 351W // Initially i could start the vehicle and have it idle just fine. I can rev it with no noticable issues. when i then put it in gear and apply gas it dies. Then I have a problem starting it. I have to prime it a few times them have the gas to the floor to start. I monitored the fuel pressure off the fuel rail and it is at roughly 39(key in RUN) and at idle is roughly 30. I monitored it during times it faisl or wont start and fuel pressure is still there. Where should i start looking

Rate My Yu-Gi-Oh Deck! (Elemental Hero)?

better than mine 0-0 you even have Terra Firma in there DX ive been looking for Ocean.ppl always tell me this when i put up my E-Hero deck for rate: Prisma. i notice u dont have Shing Flare WM! YES! i win there! also Air Neos!

Maid of Honor AND Musician- how can we do it?

I am the maid of honor for my best friend's wedding. I am also a violinist- and my best friend wants me to play the prelude for her wedding! And I really want to do it too! We've talked about it since we were younger (without knowing how weddings actually worked)... Is there anyway I can do both while keeping the wedding still elegant?

Looking for a rockin' love song?

i am looking for a song for me and my babe :) we are big fans of 80's rock and like hip hop. i am a huge fan of bon jovi. def leppard. micheal jackson. bruno mars. have any suggestions?

What will be the carbon footprint in copenhagen with 1200 limos n 140 prvt planes being used by the hypocrites?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What are the molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations?

cobalt(II) ions in aqueous solution react with concentrated hydrochloric acid to produce the complex ion, CoCl4(2-)(aq). What are the molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations?

Please help me on my situation, really confused!!?

Okay so my situation isnt too good. I understand most people will look down on me for being so promiscuous and stupid, but I can honestly say I didnt expect to get pregnant as I had unprotected for about 2 years with nothing. Its my biggest regret getting myself in this situation, so lectures are not what I need. I want some advice on what I should do. I found out a week today that I was pregnant, Im about 6 weeks pregnant. Im in a tricky situation as Im not a 100% sure who the dad is. I had with one of the guys 3 times twice after I conceived, and the other guy once before I conceived too, so that means there is half chance between the two guys of being the father? Is there anyway I can find out before birth who is for definite? Thats my first dilema, the second, Im not too sure what I want to do with this pregnancy. So far the guy Ive told is the dad or who I thought was wants me too have an abortion, he cant afford it he says. My mum and stepdad want me too have an abortion, and so do my grandparents. I feel really pressured by them into this but know its for me they want me to do it. I feel as though they are a bit biased towards this and arent really explaining my other options. I have said too them I dont really want an abortion much, my friend had one, and I know most people do regret it and struggle emotionally after. Im scared for my mental health afterwards is the reason I dont want, but they dont know Im suffering from depression just now. I dont necessarily want a baby just now either. Ive looked into adoption briefly, think its a possible solution, but dont feel I would be able to give my baby away at birth, and cant find any useful adoption agencies in UK. So Im in a dilema. I think I would be able to cope with a baby, but my mum has just made it sound so bad and terrible, saying that I would be living in council accomodation forever off benfits and my life would be over basically where truth is Im very determined and know Im going to have the career I want when Im older. Last night I felt under great pressure to have an abortion and agreed to have one to satisfy them, if I do they are going to feel really guilty about the pressure they put on me. If I keep it Im worried about how they will react because I know they do love me, and dont want my teenage years to be thrown away, so I will feel guilty about not listening to them. Ive just turned 17 last week, Im single, not got an income, and in college just now, but would be finished before the birth. Please help.

COMPLETE backup system software??

Recommand to use Norton Ghost, it can run at DOS, when you finished setup a new computer system, using Ghost to backup the system driver C: to a file, the file can save in another driver, such as D:, then you can recover C: within minutes.

Spirit week for middle school?

On twin day have you and a friend wear white tees and write "thing one" on one and "thing two" on the other (the dr suess charecters)

What do you think of my wrestlemania 26 card? (see details)?

I think your taking out to many wreslters in your hell in a cell match which leaves options limited. Undertaker would not be able to wrestle for 60 mins anymore. your money in the bank match is about right though

Exploration geologists...?

I currently have 5 years experience in the environmental field as a consultant. My background is in geology which I have a bachelor's degree. I am activiely pursuing a career in uranium or oil exploration. Can I ever get a job doing this given my enviro. work and do I need a Master's? I hear there is a shortage of petroleum geologists, is that true?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thanks to the judiciary. What do you think?

Hon'ble Supreme Court has only asked to probe. You have already ped a judgement even before the probe is started. The problem is that we are always on a emotionally charged state of mind. Not you or me alone. But almost all of us. And that is the root cause of all the miseries.

Can I get sponsored with these tricks ... here is some of my tricks?

kickflip, heelflip, pop shuv-it, varial kickflip and varial heelflip, 360 shuv-it, tre flip, fs 180 heelflip, ollie 6 stairs, kickflip 5, tre flip 4, fs and bs boardslide, 50-50, 5-0, nose manuel bigspin out, 360 boneless, 180 no comply, flamingo, just to name a few

Late period or possible pregnancy?

this is my situation, i have pcos but my af is regular 35 day cycle, so af was due 27th sept, i ovulated on 16, 17, 18th of sept bd each of these days,then 9 dpo thought i was getting af but just got some brown spotting that lasted like 1-2 days, startsd feeling v tired, bloated, dizzy, peeing like every 2 hours or so, cramping and slightly tingling , did hpt day after af was due got bfn, symptoms carried on now with sore s,tested 1 week later still got bfn, could you tell me what you think please.

What will happen to those who are still trapped in ther building in japan ,what will they eat or drink?

My heart Goes for the Japanese people living at the earth quake affected areas in Japan please be strong...

Anyone else agree that Hoover is a bum?

Tell the jokers down on "capitol lane" that my pot has no chicken and i am still waiting for the New Deal to take effect. when will we see this??? GDP growth is .8% interest rate and the nasdak is $109.43. ok ,now what Tricky politics?

CM PUNK mr money in the bank? Oh for christ sake?

Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Carlito, jericho, kennedy, Morrison - any of them - FINE but CM PUNK, I find him boring and he pisses me off

I really need money...any tips on how to make it?!?

I'm a 17 year old student and starting my second year of college... I have tried all summer to get a job, but keep getting rejected, or don't hear back from anywhere. Now term is starting again, I probably wouldn't even have time for a job as my cw load gets very very heavy. ( I usually have to spend almost every evening on it) But I really desperately need money, not just for myself, but so I can help out with my parents a bit. We have always been a little poor and I'd like to give something back to them. Is there any other way I can make money? I've considered ebay, but find it a little confusing, and not sure how likely things are to sell ? and how much paypal deducts? (I know ebay take 10%) any other random tips are welcome :D :D xx

2NOBr <--> 2NO + Br2?

a sample of NOBr (.64mol) was placed in a 1 L flask containing no NO or Br2. At equilibrium the flask contained .46 mol of NOBr. How many moles of NO and Br2, respectively, are in the flask at equilibrium??? no clue how to do this problem.... thanks

Import Dvds on computer?

I have a lot of DVDs and well I just got a 500 gig hard drive and was wondering if there was a legit way to import and store them on the drive so i dont have to keep up with the disk? I want a way to import them and play them. Is that possible? If so is the software freeware?

What are the first signs of schizophrenia?

i don't really know my real mom and i haven't seen her since i was a child but i found out that she has the disease called paranoid schizophrenia and she has had it since she was a 20 years old now and seem perfectly normal, i heard its hereditary but all my friends and my husband tell me not to worrie about it because i probably wouldn't get it. im still like super scared though, what are the chances of me getting this? what are the first signs of it? if any one out there has this please tell me of your experience, what things happened to you and how you found out you had it. im really hoping that this will never happen to me, it sounds like the most terrifying disease ever.....but i would like to know a little more about it....

Why is it that non-christian always...?

stereotypically relate ALL Christians in to the Roman Catholic faith? The Da Vinci Code is a good example of this. I mean there are many different denomination that have different ceremonies and such...don't you guys realize that?

I want to care to learn and be very knowledgeable, where do I start?

The question title is lame, but I love learning, I just don't learn as much as I want to. The internet holds so much knowledge but I don't know where to begin. I just want to read and read until I'm somebody who can share so many ideas and facts. I'd love to share my knowledge with other people to teach them and satisfy their curiousity. I want to expand my vocabulary and develop opinions on various topics like politics and religion. How can I work towards this?

Will this be aguirre's line up for mexico?

***** nerry,i dont know y u guys like thhat guy so much,we dont even need him,***** ector and put magallon,and ***** leandro and put torado,and put arellano,for nery

Can Someone tell me what type of mental disorder i may have. I think i may need a test.?

I have suicidal thoughts occasionally. I have had a mental breakdown before. I get paranoid when i download songs. I cant just download one when i want it. I have to download the full cd. I start screaming at people when they ask the same question over and over. Before me and my mom left my step father I would occasionally discuss with someone close to me ways we could kill him and get rid of the body. I have had the same thought over and over. I have had the thoughts with other people also. My cousin had called me Obsessive Compulsive before. I think it's something worse than that though. Heavy Metal music such as Slipknot, Korn, Avenged Sevenfold, and Bullet For My Valentine cures my saddest moments when softer songs can make me sad. I usually feel violent urges and have a sickening obsession with death. The smallest thing can make me want to die. I have taken a brier thorn and jabbed it half way through my lip. Does anyone know what may be wrong with my mind. Should I have it checked out, for future reference?

Being from "white" culture how do you implement the following in your daily life?

hmmmmmm, I didnt know there was a difference everyone has their own beliefs.... and I'm sure no matter what "race" we all keep clean.......................

What lesson you have learned from recent tsunami and earth quake in Japan .?

That however you hate or disagree with a nation or a religion, when disaster strikes, we all stand with each other and feel their pain

What should I do about my desperate situation?

Esta es verdad....Habla con El Consulada de Estados Unidos! Que Familia tu tengo hay Amor

Do you think Stark and Zoey will become a mated couple in the next house of night novel?

I say the same thing. Now since Heath is gone I want Stark to be it. Plus I think he's the hottest outta all the dudes that Zoey's kissed. And I'm hoping they make little Stark and Zoey babies. Plus after all the things he's done for her, she best. Plus he's from Chicago and so am I. Plus I wanna see him in a kilt.

How to properly set-up my air conditioning unit?

Thats about 300 Sq FT. So the unit is designed to handle about 400. If the room is rather hot and its on the upper level floor it may take several days of non stop running to cool the space. If not with in two days (as at night you dont have sun) it cant preform the cooling needs, the unit is too small for the capacity. Meaning you need to add a 2nd unit or buy a larger one. If the other room is seperated by a wall I hate to say but youll never get that room cold. You would need a 2nd unit. Or you can try a small fan to blow the air from the room that has the AC unit feeding it. Again, it may or may not work. The only other option is a portable AC unit which would have a high BTU rating and for sure would handle the space no problem.

What Size Snowboard Should I Get?

With a smaller board size, not saying yours specifically, the width of the board will get smaller and smaller, so you might get an half inch or so of toe drag which might have some affect of your riding. You'll also get more toe drag is your binding degrees are closer to zero which means they'll be more straight and have more drag, but more comfortable position is better than toe drag, that was just a fyi. I'd personally recommend looking at new bindings that'll fit a different board brand that'll have 154s or so in"wide" versions, especially with size twelve feet.

What are some Life projects for Boy Scouts?

I am looking for a not to hard project for life scout. I live in the Plymouth Kingston area. I don't need an intricate project that is what eagle is for. Good suggestions are welcomed

I made a perverted joke to this girl ive been talking to and she said its ok but i feel its not, what to do?

ok 1 your over-izing the whole thing & 2 no girl likes a suck up get my drift? just play it cool & if you must, be more careful next time but above all be your own person! obviously it was your sense of humour to do something like that so why try & conform to someone elses??! BE YOURSELF

My boyfriend is coming over for the first time!?

so i am 14 and my boyfriend is 15. we hangout and everything but he is coming over my house for the first time on saturday. he has been to his other girlfriends houses before but ive never had my boyfriends over. ive been to his house twice and we were in his basement and kissed the whole time. my parents will be home.. also, it is our snuggle day. every saturday we go to someones house (usually in groups) and just watch movies and snuggle. but its just him coming over and like hes allowed in my room but my parents r gonna be home?!! i dont wanna seem boring.. what should we do?

What do you think of that i wrote it ?

When Kesha went to Take It Off, Bruno Mars threw a Grenade which made Katy Perry a Firework and Taylor Swift rode away on a White Horse. Now Rihanna is the Only Girl in the World which made Lady Gaga Just Dance. Nelly soon woke up saying it was Just a Dream :D

Do you believe Paula Abdul's excuses for her weird t.v. appearance?

I do. I'm like come on leave the poor woman alone. She was working a long shift on American Idol and working long shift no breaks I would seem kind of 'out there' also.

If you gave them each a sword and told them to fight, who would win?

I not sure who would win but I know jessica simpson would lose( when she finally finds out how to use it LOL)

What do you think of this piece of my writing?

Really goodexcept the fine *** body its a little cliche. but overall your descriptivness (dont know if thats a word?) is very very impressive.

Help! URGENT! i am doing a debate tomorrow morning on Roe v. Wade and i dont know any thing! help?

i am arguing affirmative(against roe ,defending the Texas state) please help give me a lot of material and also I need to be prepared to answer what the negative might say during the cross. I am doing the 1st affirmative- tips would be great because this is my first time debating. If you can use less complicated word that would be be good because i am only a freshman in High school. I need material latest 12:00 am(at night). Thanks in advance

Christmas and Easter??

i have noticed that when people show Christmas or Easter commercials they have nothing to do with the actual holiday. i see commercials or stores selling easter eggs and they have nothing to do with jesus or even christmas which the whole point of christmas is to celebrate jesus's birthday. it has nothing to do with elves and santa claus. for example the movie Santa Claus starring Tim Allen showed no celebration of Jesus birthday. santa claus is a christmas movie for crying out loud. these are Christian hoidays and they talk nothing about jesus. why is this? is it to make money through jesus's birthday by selling things like candy, movies, toys, etc....

Guys and girls !!!!!! help 10 points?

It does seem like he is. I mean he's staring at you, and trust me he wouldn't be unless there was a reason. He obviously knows who you are as he even tried talking to you. Just to test, start a normal conversation and maybe play, around a bit and flirt, depending on his reaction, it should show whether he's interested. Good Luck :)

Why do black ppl think there mixed even when there not!?

ok well ive noticed this with lots of blacks and they all think there mixed.not one of the ones ive ever talked to said there were fully black they always like to bring up "there grandma" is mixed. i mean seriously anything past the second generation doesnt count for you anymore. i mean i never say im mixed, even though i have light skin and puffy brown hair, heck to be honest my parents are straight from the congo and im not ashamed to say that. but some blacks even laugh at africans and made fun of them, when there so ignorant to face the fact that there great grandma and grand dadies were brought here from a slave ship. i came here by plane, so atleast i dont make up where im from. like what the heck, why do all of them like to say im mixed with "puerto rican, white, asian, arab especially indian" and if they do talk about africa theyll say egyptian. and what the heck is going on with everyone being "cherokee" like seriously theres a bunch of other native tribes like the "mohawks" but they had to bring up them cherokee's. like comeon we can tell if your a mut or not the whole black race cant be mixed!

Problem with my dog getting into litter box.?

We have 2 cats and 1 dog. My dog is a yorkshire terrier and he is the same size as the cats - if not a little smaller by the time the cats mature. The cats have their own room which is wedged open for them to get in. The problem is that since the dog is the same size as the cats he is getting in there as well. We think he only does it when we are not around but we still can see the litter on his mouth. Our cats aren't really jumpers so getting them to jump in the room isn't an option. Does anyone have any suggestions of how we can make it so only the cats can get in their room and the dog stays out? We live in an apartment so we can't really alter doors and stuff like that. Also, we don't want to buy anything that goes into the litter to deter the dog. We just want him to not be able to get in the room at all. Thank you for your help.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What's The Name Of That Movie With The Ghost And The Girl? Casper 2?

im wondering the name of the movie with the guy ghost and his mean ghost uncles and he meets wendy (hilary duff) i know its Casper Somthing but im looking for the one where Casper Becomes HUman Agian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… I NEED TO KNOW ASAP

What is "The Scarlet Letter" about?

I don't want all the details but I just want to know the theme or just a little what happens. Is it difficult to read? because I was thinking of reading it just for fun and I don't want to get stuck asking about it. Is it a good book? I hear it is but I am not sure. I am thinking of buying it on amazon but I want to make sure its worth the money.

Please Please help me out with these science questions,dont be rude.?

lol, I like the way you think. I wish I would have done this in High School. Don't listen to the critics, they are rude just because they don't know the answers haha

Reccomend paranormal romance books? sci fi/fantasy.... or interesting a?

The one manga i can think of when talking about simple romance and about vampires is Vampire Knight. I just got done reading the latest chapter if you would like i could link you to it?

Dinnerware set JB664 Old Chelsea by Johnson Brothers dated 1902 and how I can tell there trademark?

Is this dinnerware blue and white? If so,you may have a very valuable set of flow blue dinnerware. Johnson Brothers of England made several patterns in flow blue right around the time of the date on yours. Flow blue was made from around 1840 to 1910by several manufacturers and although a great deal was made, whole sets are rare because it was not considered fine china and was used as everyday dishes. Individual dinner plates in excellent condition can be worth upwards of $100 and tea cups with handles intact are worth even more. A whole set though,is worth far more than the sum of its parts so if you have this beautiful blue and white dinnerware, have it appraised for insurance purposes and handle carefully. The last time I found an entire set was 20 years ago and then it was going for about $1500. It has gone up considerably since then. Look on Ebay for an idea of its worth.

PSAT Scores, help!!!!!!!!!!!?

we just got our PSAT scores back., i got a 50 in critical reading, 50 in math, and a 42 in writing skills also the selection index thing is 142, what does this mean. what do the scores mean? it is average, good, what?

Degri shark in the water guesses for next season?

Hey I have a question... Who was that bad boy guy supposed to be??? Is he going to be a person on the next season or what??????

Are the majority of people hypnotized, and powerless?

Instead of worrying about petty things, why don't people just focus on becoming gods? It seems that there is a world full of zombies

Advice: Cruise with guy friend and I have a boyfriend!?

My best guy friend of over five years is about to graduate college. For his graduation he has asked from his family for a cruise for 2 to Alaska this following summer. He has asked me to go on the cruise with him. Both of us are in relationships that are important to us but haven't been the greatest the last few months. We have a completely platonic relationship and just have fun hanging out together. He doesn't want his girlfriend to go because he knows he couldn't put up with her for a week or more, and it would ruin the cruise for him. I really want to go on the cruise with him to celebrate with him and of course for the experience. His girlfriend and my boyfriend are also not 21 yet, therefore they can not go on most cruise lines. My boyfriend and his girlfriend also understand the relationship that me and my guy friend have. I know to put myself in their shoes and believe that if the cirstances were the same and this was an experience for him that I could not participate in I would be ok with it. My parents believe the main issue here is trust and I know that doesn't need to be an issue between my guy friend and I. This is an awkward situation and I need some advice...any additional questions that need to be answered please ask! Thank you!

Will Liberals now apologize now that its proven that Jared Loughner was not a conservative?

Of course they won't. And the entire liberal Western World, which is almost everyone, will continue to refer to him as a conservative. Liberals don't accept facts.

How do you get laundry detergent out of a brown suede couch?

please help me my little sister did it without knowing and it left this hard feeling film on some parts. please help

Who do you think did the worst and the best on Tuesday night on American Idol?

I think that Phil did the best because he got everything right and Blake did the worst because he screwed up the song completely. if i heard his version, i would tape over it or change the station. I am only 16 but i still prefer Bon Jovi version over Blake. Blake made it to much of a dance song for me.

How long and what temp do I bake a homemade blueberry pie for?

Thaw first Bake it as directed 400 * probably for about 45-50 mins watch crust .can put foil on edge for last 10 mins to keep it from getting too brown.

Enlightene me on abortion and pro choice?

only advice I'd give you on this already-beaten-to-death issue is to refer to the two camps as pro-abortion and anti-abortion. Pro-choice is a meaningless term, a feminist verbal plaything, because those who coined it and most who use it believe the only people that should have that choice are women, and the males that they allowed to impregnate them have no say whatsoever in whether or not to abort the kid.

If my fiance is a co-signer, is it wrong to take whatever was bought if he is taking over the payments?

His parents are 2 months late on their payments and have no intensions of making anymore payments. They have now left my fiance with over $1,000 debt so that they can have a 50 inch tv sitting in their living room. My fiance doesn't make very much money since he is only 19, and has had 2 previous accounts sent to collections already because of his family. We also just found out the money that my fiance had given to his parents to pay off a store for him, was spent by them and now he owes another $200 to a store that he thought he paid off. We also have my daughter's first birthday coming up next month, and another one on the way who is probably going to need a lot of medical attention considering I got pregnant with an IUD. Anyways, I told my fiance to please just take the tv so we won't have this huge debt to pay, but he told me he doesn't want to because he will feel guilty. I don't think he would have anything to feel guilty about, and he should think about his family (the one that didn't screw him over!) Besides, 4 adults live in that apartment, all with full time jobs; i'm sure one of them can get the money to pay for their precious tv. So, what can I tell my fiance so that he understands that he's doing the right thing by taking the tv?

Magnification of a microscope?

What is the magnification of a microscope that has an objective with f = 1 cm, an ocular with f = 2.5 cm, and a distance of s = 10 cm between them. Taking the best viewing distance as 25 cm.

Some links to free, printable piano sheet music country music songs?

As you can tell from the question, I'm looking for links to free, and printable piano music that's country. I love to play piano and i love country music! But its hard to find piano country music. If you can find any links, please post here! Thanks much! :)

Well i am 22 years old man having some health issues..i feel uneasiness in my body sometimes and?

You act wrong,this is the reason.If I was You I'd take the following steps:Quit as much fat & unnatural foods As possible,find physical activity which would be pleasant & NOT DISPLEASING to perform.Diet is the key to health,we REALLY can influence things we intake(the make our cells).Do NOT fully trust doctors & medical people-they all die from the same illnesses as we do,same,so why are they teching us the intricate health science then?Check Yourself,web tells the truth.Paul Bregg,an american health pioneer,describes in detail just what the processes of our healths are,its argumentive ,persuesive & scientific.Do You know that no red meat is a need ?This fact is supported by US governmental web sites,accessable anywhere.Who DID tell You this wonderful truth?Are everyone beleiving that meat is a need?All people to care of health should check his books,of which THE WONDER OF FASTING would I reccommend,this one is purchasable from the web,I might also spill the details,I red this

I have only slept one night this week, what do you think will happen if i keep this up.?

Well it is all because of midterms. I stayed up all of sunday and monday, untill about 3:00 AM Tuesday morning, then i slept until 3:45 PM tuesday afternoon, then a stayed up all of last night and still havent slept. I have gotten so much crap done this week i was wondering what would happen to me physically and mentally if I kept this routine up? sleeping well every other night instead of 4-6 hours every night? I will admit that the day would be tough with out my no-Doze. But I dont feel bad or anything. Maybe just a tad fatigued.

Rate my Fantasy Football team?

7 because your runningbacks, I wouldnt start Rodgers in week 1 because he is going against the best d-line in football, and it is his firs start, the Vikings 1 team defense embarred the Steelers first team offense the other week sacking Big Ben a couple of times, so I would start Palmer in week 1

Kindergarten question concerning my kid crying at school....Please help?

My daughter did the same back in kindergarten i didn't know what was wrong at the beginning but tired of listening i check with the teacher if any special event happen with my daughter and someone else and she said no, nothing happen, at home nicely started to ask her if anybody hurt her o if the teacher was no nice to her, and I'd explain that she had to go the school y mammy will make lunch and cannot go back and forth to school. So she started to tell me that she wants to do something in cl and the teacher did not allow her to do it and she got mad and she did not want to go kindergarten, course at the beginning she loves the teacher but at soon as she said no i don't like her. Next day I told the teacher and she remember then what happened and she said she'll talk to her and will be fine, next week was no easy but finally she accepted the school rules , do not panic, talk to your daughter to find why she doesn't like to go to see her friends and start from there. good luck, my girl is in gr 5 now.

I am looking for a product called Fun-dation. it is a transparent paper for quilting?

This is a transparent quilt block piecing material. I only want the Fun-dation, the others are not as good. It makes foundation piecing for quilting easier. JoAnn's used to carry it, but they do not anymore. HELP.

I want to hv a girlfriend n want to love her like crazy?

I'm frm delhi. I cannot put this in words that how i am feeling rt now bt i really get hurt wn i find myself without a girl friend. acc i was dragged into my family business at an earlier age so i didnt find time 4 this. i want to hv a girl friend and i want to love her like anything bt i dont know wt to do .im really a very nice guy n i'll never hurt any1. im really embarred to put up this ques bt this the only way for me to find love . .. this is my orkut profile ID

Do MSG/Hydrolyzed Proteins/Autolyzed Yeast break down in compost?

Or, if I put those "contaminated" foods in my compost, will they end up in my herbs and vegetables? I suffer from migraines, so I avoid these glutamic acid-containing foods, but others in my house can eat them. I try to compost as much food waste as possible (not meat or dairy, though). I just don't want to accidentally fertilize my garden with these contaminants and later ingest them. So, compost 'em or not? Thank you for your input.

Flatback Syndrome at 16! Lower back pain is extremally bad.?

I was diagonised with Flatback Syndrome around March of 2008. I am 16 also) And It has progressly grown worse since then. I had x-rays taken and since then, it has gotten worse and worse since we missed our ciropractic appt in around April. Now you can see my spine curiving out of my back. It is truly painfull. My lumbar lordosis is starting to bow outwords. My doctors think that is what caused my Osborne Shaulders Syndrome in my knees. I am an extremally healthy teen. Never drank, smoked, drug use, , or anything like that. My doctor said it may have something to do krepidas (Cracking when I move it) in my right ankle. I am wondering, if I just let the Flatback Syndrome progress, what will happen? My doctor said I may need surgury if it gets worse. I am in Varcity Marching Band and we work out alot (Not to mention I live in Phoenix, Arizona...) and my back is constantly in pain even when I lay down. Can it serously hurt me if I dont get the surgury until next sumer?

Antibiotics and birth control?

i have bronchitis and am taking azithromycin. will my birth control pills only be less as effictive while im taking the antibiotics or will it last after i stop taking them??

Anyone Catch Joe Bidens joke about Rudy Gullani?

I like Joe Biden. A vote for Rudy would be more of the same thing we have now only magnified 10 times.

Chemistry homework help?

An electric current of 1.0 ampere liberates 1.186 grams of copper over 1.0 hour. Prove that Faraday's constant is 96,500 coulombs.

White Tantra or Red Tantra?

Meditation and imagination are wondrous paths to enlightenment....but there is something that is incomparably delightful with enlightenment that comes with physical intimacy.....must I chose? I want it All....ahhh....would that my Lover could embrace me as does the Snake.....

Does California's Proposition 227 call for a certain type of ESL program?

Such as Structured/Sheltered Immersion or ESL pullout? I believe Arizona's Proposition 223 calls for Sheltered Immersion, that's why I ask.

What can I do to eliminate the carbon footprint of liberals?

They yell so much, and expel so many noxious gases, I'm not sure how to stop them from polluting the atmosphere. What can the average non-lemming do?

Is the diaper community becomming more popular?

I saw a diapergirl like 20 years old,in a stroller at the mall acting like a baby she was wearing a diaper had a pacifier bottle and all. Do you think it will become more popular? No offense to this society just curious.I was a little shocked.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How is this a metaphor?

Don't listen to Lana O'Donnell. So it's been 20 years since I've read the book, but what was going on in the scene? Were they at a party? Was someone literally coming toward them with a tray of tails? If that's what was happening in the scene, I don't know how that's a metaphor, unless you isolate the word "floated." In that case, of course the tails didn't float, but someone carried them on a tray. Using the imagery of "floating" tails can be metaphoric for how magical and luxurious the tail party was, and how effortless their lives seemed at that moment.

Christmas Mom Handmade Gift Help!?

Help! Christmas eve is tomorrow, and I need to think of a handmade gift/handmade gifts for my mom. I already bought her a Christmas present, but I need to make her one, because she loves handmade stuff, like ornaments. her favorite color is cornflower blue. her second is purple. and she loves birds. Can you guys please give me some good ideas for easy-to-make gift/gifts for my mom for Christmas? Thank you in advance.

Cont...about the sharp pain in my chest...?

well. i'm 20 years old, my weight is 190lb. and i'm 5'11. i am not diabetic. and nobody in my family tree has hypercholesterol... i don't do drugs or drink everyday... just started hurting when i would sleep on my ...right side. oh and blood or color changes involved. it's been a year now with this pain. hope this helps.

Will U Express Your Feeling ?

I know this BOY since 2 years ago... We seldom chat but everyday we must have meet each other & he'll make a look & smile to Me ... After the Exam , he'll Graduate & leave away to further his study .. Its so obsess me .. this Guy seems like interested on Me ..but Im not Sure .... I just wanna ask isn't a Boy who has Crush/ like/ love on a Girl ,... & Will He express His Feeling To the Girl ???

Oil boiler and attached coal boiler problem?

it sounds like the safety shut off switch is not working ,have your landlord call a plumber,that's a safety issue.

"sybil" from the book/movie fake? not really a multiple personality?

Someone told me after dr. wilbur died she admitted Sybil didnt really have multiple personalities? what a crock if it's true! and does anyone know anything or pictures of the real mom of sybil?

My Ollie Keeps flying away and spinning around from me when i try. Help?

I just started skating street a while back, and i was able to ollie fine, not very high tho, because my board was 2 heavy.i just bought a new board, and my ollies keep flying away from me and crap. wut do i do 2 ollie straight and high?

West Oakland Bart Station how safe?

Is that area i'll be staying walking distance. I'll be driving my car and i'm nervous it'll get stolen.

My sister tried to kill herself.?

She's at the hospital right now. I can't stop shaking. And my stomach hurts and I feel like I'm gonna die. I can't cry anymore I just don't know what to do. Please help me

Increase in natural disasters, is the world going to end?

I know this may sound silly, but it does appear that recently there has been a significant increase in 'natural' disasters in the last few years, ie. Japan tsunami, Haiti earthquake, Icelandic volcano eruption, New Zealand earthquake and currently the tornadoes in Kansas. I'm only fifteen years old, so I haven't been around long enough to know if this is normal or not. Has there really been an increase in these disasters, or is it just scare mongering? If there has been an increase, why? I'm really scared it's a sign of the apocalypse or something. Thanks for any answers...

Where can i find a Puma bag? near SF?

Near san francisco, where can i find the Puma Punch Grip bag (large one)? Please dont name outlets, because i called them and they arent in stock! Know any stores that sell them? Thanks!

6 weeks prego,im soo scared PLEASE HELP!!!!?

yes i can understand ur scared!!!! but when u hear that little hear beat u will feel reured! try tor relax and go with the flow, and use this time to share with ur current child, before the second one comes! good luck


no there done with the script and everything and i think casting im not sure but there gonna start filming at the end of March.

If Republicans gave us the Environmental Protection Agency, Affirmative Action, OSHA, black voting rights...?

Before FDR, nearly all Black Voters voted for the Republicans. By the end of his presidency, their vote was split. By the end of LBJ's presidency, nearly all Black voters voted Democrat.

Blood pressure spikes high when body temperature rises, low blood pressue when cooler & cold ??

look at the patch as the cause...some hypertension is known cause, but if it continues please address it or the outcome is grim!!

How do you pronounce this Vietnamese name?

My friend's name is Minh Thu. Her American friends call her "Min Too" with a short i sound. Is the "h" silent in Vietnamese? When I hear her parents say it (immigrants from the North), it sounds like the "h" is a "g" like MING TOO. I hear it the same way when they say Ho Chi Minh (Ho Chi MING, not Ho Chi Min like how my American history teacher said it). The "i" is short in English when he said it, but her native parents use the long "i" in Vietnamese. Can someone explain this? Which one is the correct pronunciation?

Is it normal to feel stronger Emotions in dreams?

yea. my dreams have been like that lately. I have no idea why. Ill probably ask someone like my doctor or friends and family.

What do you think of this Group Name?

We are a trio all girl group, we wanted something edgy sooo we came up with "The E.T.'s" is it nice? If not can you pls help with some suggestions? Thanks :)

Why is it illegal for all other companies to price fix, price gouge,and profiteer unless you're an oil company?

Bush was an oil man and would never do anything to upset them. I agree with ya. Why would the price go up if the underground tanks still hold the same fuel as the day before? With a bit of luck the oil companies will need a bailout, maybe in 30 years!

What is the genotype for downs syndrome?

Im doing my year 9 science esment and i cant seem to find exactly what i need to know.. if you could help, that would be great :)

Cats and the christmas tree?

Since the holidays are coming up soon, does anyone have any good advice or tips on how to keep the cats from climbing/attacking the christmas tree? I had an artificial one that was completely destroyed 2 years ago, and last year got a real one, which they wanted to climb and viewed all the ornaments as toys.

Should ask this guy to the dance?

Okay so I like this guy who's in track with me and has english with me too. He's really cute and sweet, and I want to ask him to our high school's sadie hawkins dance. Idk if this would be weird even tho girls are supposed to ask a guy.And I also don't really know him that well, we've just talked a few times. And I've complimented him on his races and stuff but nothing more than that. What should I do?

What do you think of Dana White (UFC) and Vince McMahon (WWE) tossing ideas around this week?

who knows im suprised i heard that mcmahon was trying to get MMA banned in germany but either way dana should be kissing vince's *** alot of ufc fans got their start watching TUF right after Raw back in the day also when ken shamrock went to WWE back in 99

The fights of Andi Ganigan?

Never saw much of him, except for that great fight he gave Arguello. Thanks for the posts, I'm sure I'll enjoy them.

Should i break up with him?!?

That's quite a list you got there. Can you not try and work through some of the stuff you're unhappy about? Don't just be with him because you're scared you won't find anyone else like him cos you probably will, and maybe its someone who's even better so don't settle for less. Be confident and respect yourself then you'll be able to make the right decision.

Hey all you sports fanactics out there.!!!!!!!!!?

hey i was wondering if you saw the torrent pace of how the rockets and tracy McGrady are getting there wins. sure some like last night were against the hawks but i mean cmon Norleans and dall. so i was wondering how long this will continue and how good the will do in the playoffs. 2nd round maybe????

Is manchester arndale in the city centre?

hey guys im from leeds and i want to get a coach to manchester. is the coach station in the city centre and how do i get to manchester arndale? is that in the city centre or would i have to get a bus to go there? thanks!

Can you help me where can i find the scores of canon rock by Jerry C.?? please!!!!!?

i ask it bec. my teacher ask me to play this to our school occasion. but how can i play it if i dont have any scores of it. plss help me!!!!!!!!!!!!..

Since this sunday is dedicated to picking teams, I have a suggestion...?

Well evankutt here is my personal choice I hope you find it interesting asian xi- virenda sehwag sanath jayasuriya shahid afridi mahela jayawardena misbah ul haq ms dhoni (wk) irfan pathan zaheer kahn muttiah mulliritharan. World xi- graeme smith (capt) andrew strauss ross taylor ricky ponting michael clarke jaques kallis brendon mccullam (wk) albie morkel mitchel jhonson dale steyn morne morkel

Do You Truly Belive 12/21/12 Marks the End Of The World?

No, I don't. However, I am aware of the second coming of Christ, which no person knows the day of its occurrence.

How gory is the Saw series?

I'm debating on seeing the Saw movies. I really like scary movies, but sometimes gore really gets to me. I'm 16 and turn 17 in a few months, but I haven't really seen anything as gory as Saw seems to be. Would I be scarred from watching it?

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Act One?

I just want to clarify something. Are Cicero and Cinna considered main characters in this play (act one), or are the main characters only Brutus, Cius, Antony and of course Caesar?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have heard that in ww 2?

i have heard that in ww 2 that american pow's taken by the japanese that the ones with red hair were treated much more harshly than the other pow's. i have heard this personally from veterans and have read and seen tv shows saying the same thing. i was wondering if anyone knows the reasons for this. i don't like to ask too many questions of war veterans as i don't know what will upset them.

Which is better,Booker T's "The Bookend" or The Rock's "Rock Bottom"?

The Rock Bottom. Theirs no doubt that the Bookend was quite the fantastic move especially in it's WCW days, but in my opinion I feel that The Rock's Rock Bottom always had the better impact and looked more captivating when planted. Also The Rock Bottom had such an higher elevation causing it to be electrifying as it was. So overall both moves are great in their on right, but I'd give the edge to The Rock's Rock Bottom.

I caught my 8-year old brother taking my Victoria's secret catalogs?

It's normal for an 8 year old to be interested. Don't give him your catalogs. Do you really need to be getting these anyway? How about calling VS and having them drop you from their mailing list?

Can pancreas cancer be hereditary?

I just lost my grandmother to pancreas cancer, and my grandfather also died of pancreas cancer about ten years ago? I was just wondering if my family could be at any higher risk of pancreas cancer for hereditary reasons?

I was offered Jake Peavy for Carlos Beltran. Should I take the trade?

My other OF consists of Manny Ramirez and Carl Crawford. My best SP consists of Dan Haren and Ben Sheets.

Should i make this trade?

Do not do this trade!!! Marvin Harrision is on the decline and will not put up his usually 1000+ yds 10TDs this year. Keep Garrard, he's a solid back up. Try to trade for Jamal Lewis straight up, maybe offer Edge. If you can't push that deal, then stick with LenDale White. He'll be getting the ball when and if the Titans get to the goal line. He put up solid numbers last year, and should get the ball more this year if he stays healthy. Let the other person get a QB from waivers.

What should i do about this?

maybe theyre just jelous of you beause they know you are a way better person then they are. Try to talk to them more and get something out of them.

If you were around in the 80's/early 90's...?

Have to redo my playlist...theme being I Was Young Once. I need heavy metal/hair band suggestions. I've already got GnR, Skid Row,Whitesnake, Motley Crue,Queensryche, Faith No More,Anthrax, Soundgarden, The Cult, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden. (Also Skinny Puppy and Forgotten Rebels, I'm not rigid about genre)

Can i have like a schedule of all the veronicas concert days?

i need a list of all the concerts the veronicas are having from now to about the middle of 2009. does anybody directly know, if not what website would for sure have it cuz i need to go to one of them!!

How do I get away from the T.V. and have fun activities with a 2 yr old and 7 month old.?

I love to spend time with my children and I have basic cable, but I feel the t.v. is always on! How do I go about without the t.v. on without removing it. I need it off. there is a t.v in my son's room, I wouldn't mind taking it out and using when I want him to watch movies in his room. How do I stop thinking about what is on martha stewart and pions. The internet? I'm so busy playing with the kids and cleaning, and I stop for a moment to stare at the t.v and move on. It kills

Do teachers really do this?

It's been a while since I've been in college, but I remember one of my professors talking about plagiarism and how all teachers can plug your work into an " online database" to see whether or not you copied your work some where. Do these really exist? Or was it just a fib to deter student from copying their work?

So is all this bowing a one way street?

China will not favor us over their own country, if he does what obama wants his economy will collapse like ours. No, obama means to bring US workers down to the level of china so we can compete. Why do you think he wants amnesty so bad? It's not just for votes...

PLEASE PLEASE help me with chemistry homework!?!?

Trick question. The volume of a gas is dependent only on the number of moles of that gas that you have. The atomic m (or mole weight) does not matter. Since you have the same number of moles for each molecule, the volume is the same!

How to Crochet a Cable knit sweater?

I am looking for a step by step guide on how to Crochet a cable knit sweater. Any book recommendations? An easy one to follow.

Is this a good trade. period almost over please answer?

yeah take crawford, hes been doing great over the past two weeks, average rose from .150 to .210 pretty much in a short period of time. RBI's are coming in too, Boston heating up as well. It will be big for you later on, after all, its just over 1/5 of the season, Crawford still has lots of time to pick up, and he will do it.

What are the chances Egypt is going to be free after this military coup?

It takes somebody pretty much insane to initiate a coup and a strong military backing. Doesnt this generally create a brutal dictatorship and not freedom?

Should teenagers be allowed to get an abortion without their parental consent?

I'm in Debate cl and wanted negative and affirmative views on this specific topic. I'm on the affirmative side (NOT in reality though) and welcome to all comments, perspectives, etc. Please and thank you.

If I made this ahead of time...?

Your lemon lime carbonated beverage must be added just before serving or your punch will be flat. This is such a simple recipe, that I can't figure out why you want to make it ahead of time. The only items that require measuring is the 8 scoops of ice cream which you can do a week ahead of time and the 1 cup sugar, measure out the sugar and put in an airtight plastic container. It should take you less than five minutes to combine all the ingredients for the punch.

Bird Problems???

In the middle of the night there are birds laying eggs on my roof top and makes cracking noises. Are there any ways i can stop this? Arre there any companys that will clean my roof or any thing like that? Thanks...

Why is my Boyfriend avoiding/ignoring me?

from what your saying the guy isn't worth it. if he has to hide from you and doing stupid **** like that makes you wonder. i say leave him then he might come around if the feelings are true

I need help with MLA citation!?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" This website is great for citations and this is the specific link for doing citations for songs.

Do you think armpit odor has something to do with the hole in the ozone layer?

Al Gore said and I quote "armpit odor is a myth" and he has been trying to debunk it for years.

My ex boyfriend is haring me! Help?

Okay so, I dated this guy, Steven for about 6 months.. and the relationship was a bit rocky. I was 13 and he was 15. He is bipolar, and he takes his meds- atleast he is supposed to. He never did. Me, his mom, his sister, and my mom would beg him to. He said he did but he'd just wash it down the sink, or just never take it at all. Everytime he stopped taking them we'd break up and then when he was back on them and had himself back in line, we would get back together. About 5 months into our relationship, his dad(that was abusing him) hung himself, in the garage because his wife(stevens mom) was cheating on him with younger guys. Steven was the one that found him hanging in the garage. After that, he stopped talking to me for about 2 weeks. I didn't understand why because he would talk to other girls, friends, his family. His mom said probably because I was the closest person to him and he didn't want me to see him like that. He was traumatized. He finally started talking to me, then we found out, that his dad, wasn't his dad. It was his step-dad. He was really upset. He started talking to his real dad, and they got close. As you can see he went through a lot. But let me get to the point... The day we broke up he ignored me the WHOLE day. He texted everyone back including my mother, except me. I was upset. That night his sisters wanted me to come over & hang with them. So i did and when he found out I was at his house, he came home. He was yelling at me & I ignored him. I went outside called my mom and told her to get me. He came out; I was sitting on the porch he went and stood in the yard. I remember he said "You were ignoring me when we were in the house, now I'm ignoring u. U dont like how that feels, huh?" & I said "Your not ignoring me so why dont you just shut up & ignore me already." He didn't like that... There was a table on the ground the kind you can like fold? & He picked it up and held the legs and kicked it. I walked down towards the street bc I got scared & then he picked up his little sisters bike and threw it at me. I move the the side, but the handle bars hit my hip. I started crying, and he said here comes the act. Then I started to go back in the house and he pushed me into the cemet porch, and I hit my head. My mom came & I got in & kept yelling at her to go. He kept walking after the car, after we drove off. He scared me. Well that was the end of that. It was 5 days before school started. I am 6 months into the school year now, and ever since school started he has been haring me. THE SCHOOL WONT DO ANYTHING. All the vp & prez say is, "Well who heard it?" "Who witnessed it" If nobody did, then your automatically lying. Steven tells everybody that I have aids & , I'm a with my best friend, i'm a slut, hoe, tramp(etc), my baby cousin is my kid.. Anything he can think of. A couple times I would go the nurse and call my mom crying or text my mom and tell her to get me, because the harment was getting so bad. It got to the point where I have a peace order against him now, because his whole family came to my house with BATS. So we called the cops.. & they told us to go to juveinile services, and we did. We went to court on jaunuary 3rd, and hes supposed to not say anything to me, har me, go to my property or anything like that. But he still does. He follows me down the halls at school and says "Its a peace order not a restraining order, I can come near you" He corned me in the back away near the gym, He waited for me twice outside the bathroom, I walked out saw him and walked back in & when I came out he was still there. He just scares me and I think I'm going to get hurt. He came up to my lunch table the other day & cussed me out. Everyday he points across the lunch tables, and laughs and whispers to his friends, and he'll say stuff. A big thing happened the other day when he walked right next to me, and my bff told him 10ft, & he gave her the finger and I said wow, then he called me a ****** , and I told him to get somewhere. He follows me out of school, he We go back to court on the 7th of this month.. & He could be on house arrest or go to juvy. I just want him to leave me alone... I don't understand what I did. What should I do???? IM ONLY 13, I cant just make up with him, if I go near him or talk to him I could get in trouble with the law because of how we have a peace order against him.. not like hes following it. But still.

My wife made me a proposition for a , should I say ok to it?

My wife moo moo lovins' says we can have a , but the other person has to be a man. Why should I agree to this you ask? Because she says if I don't, my allowance is on hold for a month. She says I don't have to deal with the guy, but told me to bring lube. His name is Rufus, and I'm a bit leery. Do they make some kind of protector that I can lock on for safety?

Questions about pendulum's?

Erm, how can you 'know how to make them' but have 'no idea what theyre about'???? Cleanse it. Hold it between your 1st finger and thumb (or whatevers comfortable) and ask it show me yes & show me no and watch it's movemements. then ask it yes/no questions. Be relaxed and focused. There are many ways to use pendulums, and many different kinds of pendulums, you can mesage me if you want. Good luck

Help with a grammatical inquiry?

The rules for using a hyphen aren't set in stone and often rely on personal judgment. The basic rule is that you hyphenate adjectives that would be confusing if read as separate words. In this case most people would read the words together as a compound adjective so you could skip the hyphen but the phrase is usually hyphenated.

What do you think of a point system instead of the salary cap?

How do 'points' put food on the table? Current system is fine just needs some tweaking to reward loyalty and junior development.

San Francisco 49ers Patrick Willis alternate black jersey?

this guy sells this jersey, but my ? is if its real. because i tried to search the major stores if the have a black 49ers jersey but haven't found any. Is this kind of jersey authentic from the NFL or is it a cheap fake.

For better or for worse question?

I am in a relationship with this guy...and he has been sick the past few months. Well things are finally on the mend but Throughout all this he has snapped at me and been really depressed and I would too if I had been dealing with this for a long time. But my thought is, if he is this way now is this a preview of how he will be in the future? Just a little side note. I started dating him about the same time he got sick, so I don't know any other side of him. I'm a nurse, so I can handle most things including sickness, but I'm just weary of someone thats a grouch all the time.

Why does Blac Haze sound exactly like 2pac?

Because he's a wannabe and trys hard to sound like him. Just like Kasinova The Don and The Realest. They're all a bunch of wannabe punks trying to make money off a dead men.

I'm menopausal. I've always self-dyed a golden blonde. Want to cover gray roots with caramel color. Help?

Hair dry from menopause and becoming straight and loosing curl; would like to get richer undertones and lose the all one color look. Have always used over the counter haircolor like Nice N Easy, etc. Usually just blow dry hair and then set with Caruso steam setter every 3/4 days. Would like a soft, wavy no fuss hair style...any suggestions much appreciated.

How to improve the rear brakes on a 97 Yamaha Blaster?

Everyone I have spoken to says they can't be made any better. Has anyone had any luck with modifications? The rear hydraulic set up off the 2005/2006 models costs major $$, even on eBay...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Boys ??????

ok my guy bestfriend asked my girl bestfriend out. im ok with it but inside im heartbroken becuase i've liked him more then a friend since the start of the year. My friend tells everyone who she likes but i don't fell that everyone needs to know so i only told one of my friends. its really awkward because there like holding hands all the time but i wnat to be the one holding his hand. Any suggestions on what to do??

MAYDAY! MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!!! i can't play game anymore on my laptop after reformation.?

Go online and find the latest drivers for you graphics card. Install them. When you reformatted, you deleted that information, so the computer doesn't reconize that you have a graphics card. Do that for your sound card, processor, and other things. Head into the Device Manger to find all that

How to cite with the mla format?

by using the mla format to cite the sources, do we have to cite the sources after the the sentences? or just do the citation on a separate page?

How did advances in technology influence 15th and 16th century Europe?

What were some major inventors/inventions/advancements in technology in the 15th and 16th century that influenced European trade and exploration?

Does anyone know any good authors of novels?

I would suggest Jodi Picoult. She writes amazing books. They are all fiction, but they are stories of things that happen in society, including , school shootings, suicide. She is a great writer and her books get really in depth. I always suggest them to people. My Sister's Keeper was a favorite (soon to be a movie) and it did make me cry.

Where can I get Willie Revillame's Watch?

Its the one he's modeling in his show Wowowee. I could care less who models it. I like watches. And the one he got is nice.

Wouldnt it be funny if Iceland turned around and said that Kerry was representative of their target market?

You couldnt really argue with them over that could you? Drunk druggie council estate sc um ...... yep I'd say they picked a winner there. Kerry is probably considered clean living compared to most people on council estates ;)

Products of a dehydration reaction?

How many organic products will be produced when 4-methyl-3-hexanol is dehydrated with sulfuric acid? I know the answer is 7 but what are they? I only seem to get 4.

Original singer of "Sunday Bloody Sunday"?

I heard it first by Pillar, but then I heard it from Paramore, recently, and also by U2. I know, right now, I feel extremely stupid, for forgetting this. You all are probably thinking I am a complete and total idiot for not knowing this, but I just can't remember.

Hpv? can someone help me please?

believe it or not...this is actually a good thing. because you went to you normal screening exam, your doctor found this early and it can be easily treated before it leads to cancer, HPV is really common and you can actually catch it even if you are having protected . Not all strains of the HPV virus cause warts. I would recommend that you undergo the procedures your doctor recommends and suggest that you inquire about starting your HPV vaccinations (this doesn`t prevent ALL HPV infections, but most). Keep up the good work by going in for "wellness" check-ups! HP